Your Link is Shorten Need Customized ?
Sign UpBoost your campaigns by creating dynamic Links, QR codes and Bio Pages and get instant analytics.
Tautan pendek adalah alat pemasaran yang kuat ketika Anda menggunakannya dengan hati-hati. Ini bukan hanya tautan tetapi media antara pelanggan Anda dan tujuan mereka. Tautan pendek memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan begitu banyak data tentang pelanggan Anda dan perilaku mereka.
Intuitive and trackable links
Customizable and secure QR codes
Simple yet beautiful Bio Pages for your links
We provide you with all the tools you need to increase your productivity.
Buat halaman arahan khusus untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan Anda di garis depan dan melibatkan pengguna dalam kampanye pemasaran Anda.
Use our overlay tool to display unobtrusive notifications, polls or even a contact on the target website. Great for campaigns.
Tambahkan piksel khusus Anda dari penyedia seperti Facebook dan lacak peristiwa tepat saat itu terjadi.
Easily apply restrictions to your links and target users in specific countries & languages using specific devices.
Track users with our advanced reporting tool and know exactly which city & country your users are based.
Invite your team members and assign them specific privileges to manage everything and collaborate together.
Easily add your own domain name for short links and take control of your brand name and your users' trust.
Group and organize your Links, Bio Pages and QR Codes. With Campaigns, you can also get aggregated stats.
Gunakan API canggih kami untuk membangun aplikasi khusus atau memperluas aplikasi Anda sendiri dengan alat canggih kami.
Memahami pengguna dan pelanggan Anda akan membantu Anda meningkatkan konversi. Sistem kami memungkinkan Anda untuk melacak semuanya. Baik itu jumlah klik, negara, atau perujuk, data tersedia untuk Anda analisis.
Google Tag Manager
Connect your links to third-party applications so they can share information such as traffic and analytics.
Google Analytics
Add your custom pixel from providers such as Facebook & Google Tag Manager and track events right when they are happening.
Get notified when users use your links via various channels such Slack and webhook services like Zapier.
You are one click away from taking control of all of your links, and instantly get better results.